February 26th 2022


Well folks, we did it. Another plunge for the record books -- our 21st annual fundraising event (!), which had:

  • 305 crazy plunge participants who jumped into Lake Michigan

  • 46 fundraising teams

  • 461+ individual donors / donations

All in all, with your help we were able to #DareToCare like never before: raising a whopping $48,500+ for this year's families!

Special thanks to:

AND, be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos + video from this year’s plunge:

We uploaded over 800 photos of everyone taking their plunge to our Facebook page.

We also filmed the entire plunge via Facebook Live! (Note: You may want to keep it muted for the first ~2 minutes, as we had some technical difficulties with the audio...)

ALSO, see this incredible video recap, courtesy of Hannah Beir!