January 25, 2003
Air Temp: 28 F
Water Temp: 22 F
# Swimmers: 32
The Lakeview Polar Bear Club's 2nd Annual Celebration of Shrinkage was a huge success.
Participation in the swim was double what was anticipated, and everyone had a great time. There were 32 Polar Bears who ran into the water, and I am proud of every single one of them. Hopefully we can keep increasing the number and eventually make the LPBC the largest of its kind in Chicago.
We had 132 people donate to Joe and his family, and we raised approximately $6,800. Your donations made a world of difference to Joe and his family and are something we should all be very proud of. I truly appreciate everyone's help with the 2003 event. I especially want to thank Elizabeth Sevening and Rose Marchal for all of their help behind the scenes. These two always support me and they are always there to back me up when I get crazy ideas - like jumping into a freezing lake.
The 2003 edition of the Lakeview Polar Bear Club event increased the size of the club by over ten times!! At this rate, we should have world domination by 2010. For next year we should all try to bring one new friend.
Thank you again to everyone who came out and I can't wait to see you all again at the 2004 Celebration of Shrinkage!